Welcome to my place.
media machina is a special room in my website where the topic is business models on the Web. That’s why I can allow myself to write fast and brief, for people who know the context. #
So I am inviting first media and marketing professionals and anybody interested in creating a profitable business on the Web. #
All the time I have been writing media machina, I have been sustained in my work by reading the books, the blogs and the Twitter feed of a few people who are working on the same topics and whose observations and continuous curiosity have encouraged me to persevere. #
So if you are Steve Buttry, Jeff Jarvis, John Paton, Jay Rosen, Clay Shirky, Judy Sims, Fred Wilson, Dave Winer, Steve Yelvington, I am lucky: you all know exactly the territory I am reporting from. #
If you are Sylvain Carle, Mathew Ingram or Seb Paquet, you are already there. #
Community admins I have worked with at Worth1000.com can have the keys of the place whenever they like. I am very grateful to Eurydice, hbomb and cyn for helping me edit the first posts. #
If I am following you on Twitter, I already know a little about you. Don’t hesitate to tell me more about your interest in media machina. #
Otherwise, please give a link or two in your first comment in the blog so I can have an idea where you are coming from. Anonymity can be granted on demand. #
My first priority is to make media machina as useful as possible for people involved in transforming online news media, communities and marketplaces. #