The Welcome System and the Distance System

February 7th, 2012 by bruno boutot
I tried to say things that were true, useful, elegant and memorable.
Jay Rosen #


The original objective was to research why traditional media haven’t found obvious revenue models on the Web. #

The Four Parameters

We call the four parameters Origin, Proximity, Equality, and Memory. #

Origin defines the origin of the action of communication between a media and its users. #

Proximity defines the distance between a user and a media. #

Equality defines the level of exchange between a media and a user. #

Memory defines the space and expands the time available to the media. #

A Tale of Two Systems

These four parameters, or conditions, have been observed—in online communities and marketplaces especially—by several authors. #

Looping Hot #

Image: Looping hotNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterSome rights reserved

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